Wang Plastic Surgery

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An Interview with Dr. Stewart Wang MD, a qualified plastic surgeon for moms in Chino Hills

by Stewart P. Wang ,  週日, 01 四月 2012 13:07

1. What are the concentric (doughnut) and anchor-shaped breast lift techniques?

There are several breast lift techniques to address the breast sagging issues. The circle or doughnut breast lift will result in a circular scar on the border of the areola. The anchor-shaped breast lift has additional horizontal and vertical scars on the lower half of the breast. The determination is based primarily on the amount of skin that needs to be reduced and surgeon' s preference.

2. Is the placement of the nipple and areola affected by a breast lift?

Nipple and areola placement are determined by both the patient and surgeon. With all breast lift procedures, one of the main objectives is to place the nipple areola complex in a more desirable and youthful position. All breast lift techniques can lift or elevate the nipple areola complex but the amount of elevation or lift can vary with specific technique. It' s critical to discuss this with your plastic surgeon to get it just right before your surgery.

3. Where are the incisions made during breast lift surgery?

Generally the incisions are made around the nipple areola complex and lower portion of the breast where the excessive or redundant breast skin is present and not needed. The final closure will result in circle, lollipop or anchor shaped scar.

4. Does breast lift surgery require any prior medical tests?

All elective aesthetic surgery should have proper medical evaluation prior to the procedure. Specifically for the breast, a mammogram may be required prior to the surgery. At Wang Plastic Surgery, we require all patients over 40 year old to get a baseline mammogram prior to her breast lift surgery. In some special circumstances, mammogram is recommended at even earlier age.

5. What does a typical mastopexy consultation entail?

A mastopexy or breast lift consultation usually requires at least 45 minutes in duration. This allows for adequate time to discuss your concerns and goals regarding your breast size and shape. A detailed breast examination and review of surgical treatment options are critical portions of the consultation process. A thorough consultation also includes discussion of possible complications and side effects of surgery as well as assessing any medical conditions that may affect the surgical choices.

6. Is there a lot of swelling involved with mastopexy?

Some swelling and bruising is typically expected after the procedure. Most of the swelling and bruising will subside within a couple of weeks after the surgery. Significant swelling and/or bruising right after surgery may signal excessive bleeding and may require urgent medical attention and treatment. It is imperative to plan appropriate follow-up visits and maintain contact and communication with your plastic surgeon during the critical early post-operative recovery period.

7. When will I be able to see the results?

Once the swelling and bruising subsided the final result will start to take shape. This is typically around two to three weeks. However, it's not unusual to have mild residual swelling even up to one to two months after the procedure. I like to assess the final results with my patients typically at three months and again at one year after their procedures.

This allows for us to address both short term and long term results.


Dr. Wang an "Area Expert" in Inland Empire Magazine

Read Dr. Wang's tips on how to get smoother, younger skin at any age in a recent issue of Inland Empire Magazine. He offers recommendations for noninvasive rejuvenation in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s.




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