想了解隆乳手術後胸下緣切口的疤痕會是怎麼樣的嗎? 這是來自美國洛杉磯W時尚整形中心Pasadena帕薩迪納和Upland厄普蘭辦診所的隆乳手術後胸下緣疤痕的術後圖片供您參考。 乳下緣隆乳在是一般隆乳切口的首選,因為它可以最直接的進入手術部位。 當乳房下切口用於置入義乳時,在乳房下方,乳房與胸壁相交的褶皺處進行切口。 一旦在每個乳房下面形成切口,可以在胸肌下方或上方置入鹽水或矽膠義乳。 切口通常在乳房下方的褶皺處進行,以便當乳房自然地落在胸壁上時不會看到切口。 乳房下切口並不能完全掩蓋疤痕,但是在乳房下方疤痕不太明顯。 如果您想了解更多有關更多隆胸的信息,如何選擇隆乳切口或義乳,您可以在線諮詢或來電諮詢W時尚整形中心1-626-780-5113,以安排預約。 .batext { display: none; } .bagallery img { width: calc(25% - 16px); padding: 0 12px 12px 0; } .bagallery img:nth-of-type(4) { padding-right: 0; } @media (min-width: 525px) { } @media…
27 Year old, mother of one, from Los Angeles, CA was concerned with her breast shape and size. Being a petite woman, she was looking for fuller and natural looking breasts that would fit her size and frame.…
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32 years old female from Pasadena area, mom of 2 boys, who was always unhappy with her breasts after pregnancy. Since the sizes of her two breasts were silently different, Dr. Wang used Mentor gel (L) 400 cc,…
This 35-year-old woman from Inland Empire, CA was unhappy about the size of her breats. Patient desired a natural-looking results, and a breast size that fit her body type. Since the sizes of ther two breasts were slightly…
This 5'5" tall, working mother from San Bernardino, who breast fed for 18 months was not happy with her breast size. From 34B cup, patient desired to be a C cup. We used the Periareolar incision subpectoral implant…